Tony hopes to take the plunge

A DISABLED man who suffered terrible injuries in a road accident is hoping to raise £2,000 so that he can take up scuba diving.

Tony Lovell, 43, who worked in security, was involved in the accident while cycling home from work, in November, 1992.

He was thrown from his bicycle and lost part of his right arm and the use of his right shoulder in the accident. His left shoulder was left badly injured.

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Mr Lovell said: "I have got such little strength in my left shoulder. It was damaged beyond repair. It is permanently dislocated. I was told I would not be able to work again."

As well as leaving Mr Lovell unable to work, the accident meant he could no longer continue with many of the hobbies he enjoyed.

"I used to do a lot of things I can't do now, like fishing, archery and darts '“ I can only reach up to just above my chin," he said.

Mr Lovell has been able to take up cycling again, along with swimming, which has spurred him on to take up scuba diving.

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He said: "I did go swimming a lot. I absolutely love being underwater and looking at the sea life.

"I took up scuba diving before, but just as I started, the accident happened. I thought I would never be able to do it again."

Read the full story in your Shoreham Herald and Lancing Herald, editions dated Thursday, September 7, 2006.