Pat FisherPat Fisher
Pat Fisher

Tributes to Hastings charity founder who had a 'lion-sized heart' and worked to help thousands of children

A community stalwart, who had a ‘lion-sized heart’ and worked tirelessly to help thousands of children over the last 20 years, has died.

Pat Fisher, founder and director of Gizmo, a charity which runs activities for those from aged five to 18, died yesterday (Monday, January 1) aged 75, her family said.Paying tribute to her, Brett McLean said: “Pat was an amazing advocate for children, her commitment, dedication, passion and loyalty to supporting the borough’s children was simply outstanding.

“Twelve years ago Pat asked me to become the patron of her Gizmo Kids organisation, a position I was happy to accept.

“During my role as patron I had the pleasure of watching first hand the incredible work Pat tirelessly undertook to ensure that she could add value to many lives through anything and everything, which included the provision of a simple hot meal to full in-depth theatrical and singing tuition, to giving valuable advice which has travelled through generations of Hastings and St Leonards children.

“Pat was awarded The Lord Award and The High Sheriff’s Award in recognition for her contribution to enriching the lives of thousands of children that she had helped while operating Gizmo Kids. I will always remember Pat for her forthright opinions, positivity, kindness and compassion.

“R.I.P. Pat, you touched the hearts and lives of many people and provided a positive influence to many children, their parents and even in some cases their grandparents. You will be missed greatly and I will miss our pier and Kings Road chats over coffee and chips.”

Pat’s daughter, Catherine Keasey, said: “I had to share her with a lot of kids during her lifetime of work she dedicated herself to, for me she’ll always simply be mum.”

Pat’s seven-year-old granddaughter, Harriet, said: “She proved that she loved everyone and smiled at people, thank you nanna Pat.”

Cllr Margi O’Callaghan, mayor of Hastings, said: “I was deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Pat Fisher. The thought of the new year starting without her has left the whole community of Hastings and St Leonards completely distraught.

“Pat had a lion-sized heart and was always doing things for others without even a thought for herself. She loved this town and all the people in it. Her passing has left an enormous hole in our hearts and a great void in our community. We will remember her kindness, hard work, and dedication forever.

“I send love and warm wishes to her bereaved family who will be indeed finding her loss the greatest of all. A truly amazing; strong; passionate; caring and inspiring women. Hastings will not be the same without her. A true Hastings hero who helped thousands of people through the hardest times of their lives., particularly through Covid. Goodnight Pat, thanks for all you have done for our town.”

Gizmo has been working with young people in Hastings and St Leonards since 2003.

The charity provides training in dance, animation, acting and singing. It works with local children aged between five and 18 years old to help them develop communication and social skills, as well as raise their confidence and aspirations with positive activities and community performances.

“During my role as patron I had the pleasure of watching first hand the incredible work Pat tirelessly undertook to ensure that she could add value to many lives through anything and everything, which included the provision of a simple hot meal to full in-depth theatrical and singing tuition, to giving valuable advice which has travelled through generations of Hastings and St Leonards children.

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