Woodsman to hold talk in Rudgwick

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On Monday November 30 in Rudgwick Village Hall, there is a talk by well known West Sussex woodsman Ben Law.

Ben is still remembered by many for the timber house he built in Prickly Nut Wood, his piece of ancient woodland near Lodsworth, featured on Grand Designs.

This is his second visit to Rudgwick, and his talk is on ‘Our Re-emerging Woodland Culture’.

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This will appeal to anyone in Sussex who loves the countryside and trees.

Ben is an experienced teacher and speaker on all things to do with constructing in wood as an eco-builder, whilst coppicing and managing woodland for the future.

We live in one of the most wooded districts of England, so this is a topic of importance to all our futures.

This Rudgwick Preservation Society meeting starts at 7.30pm, with an interval for mulled wine and mince pies. Members free, visitors £2.

All are very welcome.

Report contributed by the Rudwick Preservation Society.