
Laurie Bowman

Magpies, Oast House Field

On Sunday June 23 in the afternoon at St Clements Church, Hastings Old Town, I was looking at the transformation of this medieval church(actually 200 years younger than our All Saints). Nearby a lady commented on the quality of the architect’s work. I’ll quote the rest of what she said: “But I have just been to the most marvellous event in a church. Do you know Icklesham?” - no chance to reply - “a much bigger church than I expected, splendid Norman pillars, flower arrangements which were so striking and witty, an amazing exhibition of works by local artists,” and then she grinned at her husband. “You persuaded me to go to the Hall so we had some yummy cakes, bought some lovely cards and chatted to lots of very pally people. Bye.” Off she went and before I could forget I wrote alL she said down. The lady was not alone. Everybody who came enjoyed the flower festival and art exhibition last weekend Congratulations to all those who contributed to its success. So thank you to the Flower Club, the Church Flower Ladies, the Art Group and The Church Market team and many others who took part.

There is a vacancy for a councillor to represent Winchelsea Ward on Icklesham Parish Council. This vacancy has risen due to the automatic disqualification of Mr Richard Comotto following six consecutive months of non-attendance at council meetings. Notices have been posted on all of the Parish notice boards to advise residents of the vacancy.

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If 10 electors from Winchelsea Ward write to Rother District Council requesting an election then a bye-election will be organised. If this does not happen the clerk will readvertise and those interested in being considered for co-option will apply and the parish councillors will vote for the most suitable candidate.

The vacancy is for one of the three councillors representing Winchelsea but candidates can be residents of Winchelsea Beach, Rye Harbour and Icklesham wards.

The Clerk to Icklesham Parish Council is Mrs Anna Evett, Wildgoose Cottage, Gorsethorn Way, Fairlight, TN36 4BQ. Telephone number 07714 169901, e-mail [email protected]

The Chairman is Cllr Peter Turner, Iham, Mill Road, Winchelsea, TN36 4HJ. Telephone number 01797 224617.

Vice Chairman is Cllr Jim Horsman, Linwood, Main Road, Icklesham, TN36 4BQ. Telephone number 01424 814715.