Keep Art Alive is new Chichester exhibition

Work by Rob CorfieldWork by Rob Corfield
Work by Rob Corfield
Keep Art Alive is the exhibition from Tuesday, April 4-Sunday, April 16 in Chichester’s Oxmarket Contemporary.

Jo Shapiro, Oxmarket administrator, said: “Oxmarket Contemporary is a charity which supports contemporary artists and makers. Given how hard all charities and artists have been hit by economic turbulence and increased cost of living, the Gallery is hosting an exhibition under their fund-raising banner of Keeping Art Alive in Chichester to help affected artists. A number of local artists and volunteers of the Oxmarket were invited to participate in this show and the response has been tremendous The Keep Art Alive Exhibition will run for two weeks starting and will bring together local artists and makers to showcase the breadth and diversity of talent to be found in East and West Sussex, as well as Hampshire. In keeping with our aim to make art accessible to all, the gallery is particularly keen to promote affordable art and, as ever, entry to the exhibition is free. The gallery relies heavily on volunteers, some of who are talented artists and makers and are taking part in the exhibition. More volunteers are actively being sort for a variety of rolls including front-of-house housing at exhibitions. The Keep Art Alive Exhibition is being held in the large John Rank Gallery which is now a modern exhibition space within a beautiful and atmospheric Grade II listed medieval church in the heart of Chichester. As well as the exhibition space, there is a shop selling ceramics, prints, jewellery, craft, and cards from UK makers and artists, and where volunteers again exhibit and sell their work.”

Oxmarket chairman Sophie Hull said: “The mix of pieces on show ranges from paintings, ceramics, needlework, collage and sculpture, offering an exciting opportunity to view a huge range of craftmanship and artistry under one roof. As recently featured in the Sunday Times list of best places to live in the South East, Chichester benefits from a Cathedral, the Oxmarket, Pallant House and Novium to name just four must see sights to visit. With regular changes of exhibitions there is always something new for the visitor and I hope your next visit will include Keep Art Alive and Louise Burston who is also exhibiting.”