Decision due on Ford hanger's use as energy from waste facility

Hanger proposed to be convertedHanger proposed to be converted
Hanger proposed to be converted
Plans to change a hanger building in Ford into an Energy from Waste facility are to be considered by West Sussex County Council.

If approved, the plans would see the site at the Rudford Industrial Estate take in 15,000 tonnes of waste per year, thermally treating it to produce 1.25 megawatts of electrical power, which will be exported to the National Grid.

A further 5.4 megawatts of heat would be made available to users on the industrial estate.

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The council has received more than 280 objections to the application, which will be considered by the planning committee on Tuesday January 10.

A report to the meeting said: “The proposal could divert 15,000tpa of commercial and industrial waste from being exported out of West Sussex and out of the UK and would instead thermally treat it within a local facility to produce electricity.

“The development would facilitate the movement of waste up the hierarchy and make a contribution towards meeting identified shortfalls for the management of waste arisings within the county, in accordance with the Waste Local Plan strategic objective to achieve net self-sufficiency.

“As a result, it is considered that there is a demonstrable need for the proposal.

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“Furthermore, it is considered that the proposed facility would be suitably located within an existing industrial estate, adjacent to the point of production of the intended fuel source.”

To view the application, log on to and search for WSCC/015/22.

The village has been locked in a prolonged battle with developers over plans for an incinerator.