Faith leaders pledge to increase awareness of the climate crisis ahead of COP26

Climate change PPP-210929-171526003Climate change PPP-210929-171526003
Climate change PPP-210929-171526003
From: Jack Doherty, Cooden Drive, Bexhill on Sea

Unity has broken out as nearly 40 leaders of world faith groups (representing about 4.6 billion humans) have just signed an agreement to urgently get together with all world leaders and citizens to try to save the planet. This is ahead of the Climate Summit COP26 starting next week. In the Vatican with Pope Paul they handed the declaration to Alok Sharma (UK) President of the COP26.

The faith leaders pledged to more active political participation on environmental issues, and to take actions within their own communities to reduce emissions, pursue sustainability in their buildings and properties, encourage simpler life styles, seek out ethically produced goods and services and apply environmentally and socially responsible standards to investments, including shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

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Faith leaders have educated themselves by meeting with scientists 8 times since January; a unique confluence of science and religions working for truth and responsibility.

They pledged to increase awareness of the climate crisis, and actions to address it within their congregations.

Starkly they said ‘ We have inherited a garden. We must not leave it a desert to our children’. Obviously people can expect to follow their leaders and be motivated locally and globally and urgently.

Climate is a moral issue — relates to daily behaviour and effects on others’ lives and survival.

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‘We pray that our common family may unite to save our common home before it is too late. We appeal to the international community at COP26 to safeguard the home entrusted to our stewardship’.

Not new, as this was said by Paul V1 30 years ago ‘Mother Earth sustains and governs us - now cries out because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse…tragic consequences of unchecked human activity….ill considered exploitation of nature’!

However, will these pledges actually be activated or just remain as fervent empty words? Who will police or priestify them? By their fruits shall you know them.

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