Don’t let the end of Stoptober halt your attempt to quit smoking

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Smokers are four times more likely to quit by accessing support such as the West Sussex Stop Smoking Service than they are on their own, said a West Sussex County Council (WSCC) cabinet member on Friday (November 15).

Following the end of the West Sussex County Council’s (WSCC) ‘Stoptober’ challenge, constituents who smoke are reminded that it is not too late to start your attempt to kick the habit.

This comes after nearly 3,000 residents signed up to stop smoking for 28 days for Stoptober.

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Christine Field, WSCC cabinet member for Community Wellbeing, said: “There is lots of support available all year-round in West Sussex for anyone wanting to stamp out their habit and stop smoking.

“Research shows that accessing support such as the West Sussex Stop Smoking Service means smokers are four times more likely to be successful than trying to stop smoking by themselves. If you’re wanting to take the plunge, then it’s worth looking into what support is out there to help you.”

Stopping smoking has long-term health benefits not just for the smoker, but for their close family as well, and can also save people a great deal of money.

A West Sussex resident who took part in the Stoptober challenge has blogged about their experience on the West Sussex Wellbeing website. The website also has lots of information on giving up smoking.

For advice on accessing your local Stop Smoking Service in West Sussex email [email protected] or phone 0300 100 1823.