Illegal advertising signs cost firm more than £5,000

A Crawley company that placed illegal signs at a number of places in Reigate and Redhill has been fined more than £5,000.

Guildford Magistrates’ Court heard how pressure washing service company Captain Jetwash - based in Bewbush - was formally asked by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council to remove illegally placed signs at Horley Road, Redhill, and at Cockshot Hill, Prices Lane and the boundary fence to Priory Park, Reigate.

But the firm, said the council, took no action. The council then issued a fine to the company - but Captain Jetwash did not pay the fine and the council took the matter to court.

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Reigate and Banstead borough Councillor Graham Knight said after the hearing:“Advertising in this way is covered by planning law to keep our borough looking attractive and tidy.

“We asked the company involved to remove the signs itself but it did not do so leaving us no choice but to remove them at the taxpayers’ expense.

“While we would rather avoid taking legal action, we will always consider it when necessary and I am pleased that our action was endorsed by the courts.”

Captain Jetwash did not provide a representative at the court case and magistrates found the company guilty of four counts under advertising regulations in the Town and Country Planning Act. Captain Jetwash was fined £1,000 per offence plus costs and a victim surcharge, making a total of £5,363.