Scaynes Hill

Scaynes Hill newsScaynes Hill news
Scaynes Hill news
Costells Wood: Fantastic work has been done to the woods in the past few weeks. All the bushes and trees running along the A272 have been cut right back and some paths blocked and others re-opened to make life and walking through the woods easier for everyone. There is always information available in the woods or alternatively why not post questions directly to the owners at

Litter: A couple of residents have asked me to mention the litter being left on the footpath between Hillcrest Lane and the Inn on the Green. There is someone who regularly walks through the footpath between the pub and Hillcrest Lane and leaves crisp packets, sandwich boxes, sweet wrappers, bottles etc. Just discards them. Some of the residents clear up most days but they really wish they could find out who does this. It’s all food purchased from the garage. If you know who it is or see them please have a polite but firm word with them.

St Augustine’s Church: May Camp - It’s still little way off, but can you help? The Church are looking to take a group of young people from the youth club to the Diocese’s Youth Festival May Camp the last weekend of May (26–29th). For this they need some camping equipment: do you have a marquee they could borrow? Do you have any camping cooking equipment they could borrow? Would you be willing to help them with the catering? If you can bless them by helping with this it would be a huge help – please speak to Jenny W or Emily

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Calvary War Memorial (From the Church Newsletter): The roped off war memorial is looking rather sorry for itself and we are hoping to secure funding so that repair and conservation can go ahead. As part of a grant application to the War Memorials Trust we have to provide a statement to describe what a grant would mean for the project. We need to demonstrate the importance of the repair and conservation of our war memorial within the community. What would repairing and conserving our war memorial mean to you? If you can supply a short quote on this subject I would be delighted to hear from you. A sentence will do, such as, “Repairing/conserving our war memorial will …” Many thanks.

Thank You: The Coffee Shop would like to give a huge thank you to Mark and Kerry for working so hard to provide us with delicious pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. It was lovely to have so many people enjoying them. If you missed out on the “Boxty” – Mark’s Irish potato pancakes – you missed a treat! There’s always next year…

SCRABBLE CLUB: There is a Scrabble group that runs every Monday Night in Scaynes Hill. It costs nothing to join or play it’s just for fun. If you are interested please call Anna on 01444 831670 for more details

The Sloop: As always, the quiz is continuing to prove popular and there is a great turn out every week. The cost is just £2.00 per person. It really is a fantastic quiz and the atmosphere is lovely; warm and welcoming. Nicky and Gary are doing a great job and Kate (the manageress) is lovely and very approachable. If you haven’t already been there then give it a try.

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