Limit numbers in supermarkets

Storrington Waitrose. Photo: Steve RobardsStorrington Waitrose. Photo: Steve Robards
Storrington Waitrose. Photo: Steve Robards | Johnston Press
Letter by: John Cole-Baker, Holly Court, Storrington

The government has somewhat belatedly woken up to the threat caused by the Coronavirus and ordered the closure of bars, pubs and restaurants to facilitate people keeping a distance of some two metres from each other in order to minimise the transference of the virus.

As if the panic buying resulting in empty shelves were not enough, when we went to the local (Storrington) Waitrose shop on the morning of Sunday, March 22, we saw that the place was packed, with people cheek by jowl.

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What is the use of asking people to maintain a distance between themselves if retailers do not attempt to impose some kind of control? Having seen the crowd, we exited immediately.

As far as I could see there is no attempt to provide protective equipment for the staff and no attempt to sterilise the self-checkouts or of course the trolleys.

A suggestion: why do retail outlets not estimate the number of people that can safely be allowed in at one time based upon the floor space and then check people in and out to maintain the shoppers to below that allowable maximum?

Waitrose had a couple of security people in the shop: they could have more usefully been employed controlling the numbers allowed in.

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We follow what is happening in other countries, with friends in Switzerland, France and Italy. The lessons must be learnt: it is all very well saying that the politicians are following ‘the science’.

However, scientists will disagree: the politicians’ job is to make decisions and no amount of bluster and arm waving by the Prime Minister will replace firm, succinct decisions and the means to regulate them.

Finally, I would like to thank the health staff and other key workers: drivers, bakers, shop staff and others, who are often at the bottom of the scales in the UK, but on whom we depend now for some form of functioning society.

Editor’s note: We understand that Waitrose in Storrington has since implemented a limit on the number of people allowed into the store at any one time.