Homeless support promised following death of man in Bognor

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Further provisions are being put in place for members of the homeless community following the death of a man in the town last week.

The body of a man was found in Marine Park Gardens on the morning of Wednesday, January 29.

Police were called to the scene at about 8.42am to reports of a body of a man being found in a shelter.

There were no suspicious circumstances, police said.

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A spokesman for Arun District Council said: “We were sad to hear the news of the death of the gentleman found in Marine Park Gardens on Bognor Regis.

“We work closely with partner agencies and those who are part of the rough sleeping community to offer support where possible and the funding we have just been granted will be put towards developing provision in this area.”

ADC has successfully secured funding from the government for £318k to boost the work being done to tackle rough sleeping in the district.

The funding will allow for increased capacity in ‘assertive outreach and co-ordination work’ and will allow hubs in Littlehampton and Bognor Regis, run by Turning Tides and Stonepillow, to extend their opening hours to help rough sleepers.

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More specialised support will be introduced to help people with complex needs, such as substance abuse and mental health issues, to live independently.

Cllr Pauline Gregory, cabinet member for residential services, said: “We welcome the additional funding and the increased opportunities to develop new initiatives to help people off the streets and preventing homelessness in the first place.”