Rolls-Royce leads the way in safe return to work

The Rolls-Royce emblemThe Rolls-Royce emblem
The Rolls-Royce emblem
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, based at Goodwood, will be the first automotive manufacturer in Britain to resume full production, putting our area in the vanguard of the national effort to protect and rebuild the British economy.

The Observer has learned that Rolls-Royce is undertaking a phased return to work, which began last week. Several hundred people have been involved in preparing the plant, with hundreds more joining them this week.

From Monday May 4, the company will operate a single shift each day, compared to its usual two; many of those in support roles who are able to work from home will continue to do so, in accordance with official Government guidelines.

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When approached for comment, the company assured us it has introduced a strict regime of safety measures that are in compliance with Public Health England (PHE) guidelines. Extra handwashing facilities have been provided and working practices have been altered to allow social distancing. A number of other safety measures have been implemented.

Although many sectors have been closed down almost entirely under emergency Covid-19 legislation, the Government has always encouraged manufacturing industry to remain operational wherever possible. Rolls-Royce voluntarily ceased production on March 23 to protect its 2,000-strong workforce – a decision the company has kept ‘under constant review in line with national and global developments’.

Our sources also confirmed that Rolls-Royce Motor Cars will maintain its vital activities in support of local and national efforts to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. These include producing kits for face visors for frontline healthcare workers and mobilising a fleet of over 30 cars with volunteer drivers to make deliveries for the NHS and local charities. And in a new development, we understand that the company has started production of kits for urgently needed protective gowns this week.

In a further, very welcome development, Rolls-Royce is providing support for other local enterprises returning to work or staying open to serve their customers in these unprecedented times.

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Throughout May, Rolls-Royce will fund a weekly double-page spread in the Chichester Observer that will allow local companies and independent businesses to advertise free of charge. This launches in next week's Observer, and also has the support of Chichester District Council.

To be included small enterprises who wish to promote their services should e-mail no more than 60 words about their company and the service/products they offer to commercial editor Simon Toft at A photograph may be included. Please note that entries are subject to space and cannot be guaranteed and the business must operate within the circulation area of the Observer Series.

As we reported in our April 16 edition, Rolls-Royce undertook to fund and deliver 500 copies of our newspaper to households in its local parish of Westhampnett throughout April.


The Chichester Observer is supporting local businesses returning to work with a new campaign, Getting Sussex Moving. So we’re delighted to report that Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, based at Goodwood, will be the first automotive manufacturer in Britain to resume full production.

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Restarting manufacturing is a major decision, which we should all applaud. It is based on a wide range of scientific, legal and practical considerations. Manufacturing is fundamental to the underlying strength of the UK economy, and companies like Rolls-Royce Motor Cars play a vital role in maintaining the nation’s long-term financial resilience. We understand that the company has started receiving new orders from customers, including those in countries that have already passed the Covid-19 peak, which is generating much-needed export business for the UK as our country seeks our own way out of this crisis.

This newspaper has always celebrated the presence of a major global manufacturer in our area. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is both a significant provider of high-quality jobs for local people and a name that puts this part of Sussex firmly on the world map. We’re delighted to see the company, which exports to more than 50 countries worldwide, leading from the front in getting Chichester, West Sussex and Britain back to work.